Unfold was a site specific work that was choreographed for the main stage in Zorlu Performing Arts Center. The audience of 50 started their journey into the piece from the 2nd balcony and watched the first part of the show from the top of the house. For the second part, the audience was leaded to the first balcony; and for the third part to the orchestra. As the audience moved and changed perspective and the stage kept extending via opened curtains and lifted blackdrops, the piece kept unfolding. Eventually, for the finale audience sat on stage, the distance between audience and the performers dissolved and the proscenium disappeared. For a post-show reception, audience was invited to backstage. Lighting for the show designed from these different view points to enhance the idea of "unfold".
Choreographed by Korhan Basaran, performed by Korhan Basaran Dance company, commissioned by Zorlu Performing Arts Center, Istanbul, Turkey, February 3rd, 2014