Rebecca Gilman's The Glory of Living, produced by Hannah Sloat and Revolve Productions, directed by Ashley Kelly Tata and performed at the The Access Theatre in August, 2013. The Glory of Living follows the story of Lisa, a girl who leaves her trailer home and prostitute mother to join Clint, a man who loves her very much. The two take off and travel through the rural south of America, living in motel rooms, paid for with cash from minor theft. As their crimes turn from petty to depraved, audience is confronted with a portrait of America that slipped-through-the-cracks of nameless victims and their equally nameless perpetrators. Lighting design in close collaboration with scenery, explores this shift between the first and second act, from shadowy motel rooms to stark interrogation rooms
“…set designer Alexandra Regazzoni provides stunning visual counterpoint…Tuce Yasak’s lighting complements the concept … The inspiration carries over to Regazzoni’s apropos costumes
*Courtesy of Hunter Canning Photography